2023-2024 catalog year processes are now available.

    Curriculog - Curriculum Management System

    • Curriculog automates the process of curriculum approval, helping colleges and universities to approve course and program changes and improve communication about the curriculum across campus.
    • If you need to create, edit or approve a course proposal, please login following the directions below. 
    • If you are looking for current, active course information (including descriptions and/or outcomes) please see the catalog.

    Accessing the System

    All Highline users may view status and details of existing course proposals by loging in with their regular credentials through the Login link at the top of the screen.

    Full time faculty, program managers, and instructional administrators have additional rights assigned by the Academic Affairs office.  If you are a member of one of these groups and believe you do not have the correct permissions, please contact Carrie Davidson or Kili Cambra.

    Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:

    • = has not made a decision
    • = approved
    • = rejected
    • = held
    • = suspended
    • = cancelled
    • = multiple decisions
    • = task
    • = mine
    • = stuck
    • = urgent, out of date import source









    You have selected

    You can approve

    your PIN

    You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.

    could not be approved